Monday, 28 September 2009

From Stress to Success in Just 31 Days

Book Review

From Stress to Success in Just 31 Days, by Dr John F. Demartini

Hay House Publishers 2009, 137 pp., £7.99, p/b.

John Demartini is an inspiring speaker who has made several recent
appearances in London. In this book, he provides a simple step-by-step
process over 31 days with practical tips for all departments of life,
including prioritising activities, drinking water and eating light meals,
expressing gratitude, clearing debris, sitting in silence and reading
inspirational stories. This may all sound very straightforward, but reading
is one thing and practice another, such is the power of inertia. Each
chapter describes the activity, followed by practical action steps and
corresponding affirmations in a format that can be used on a daily basis.